OCIMF (Oil Companies International Marine Forum) has provided temporary guidelines to conduct Vessel Inspection during Covid-19. As per these guidelines, the Inspector coming on board and the Operator of the vessel must complete and exchange covid-19 pre-boarding questionnaires.

Covid-19 Pre-Boarding Questionnaire by Inspector

Here’s the Covid-19 pre-boarding health questionnaire provided by OCIMF. The Inspector must fill and submit this to the Operator of the vessel prior to beginning the vessel inspection.

No. Question/Information Yes No
1 Have you monitored your body temperature during the last 14 days?
2 What was your average body temperature during the last 14 days (………………)
3 Do you, or anyone in your household, have any of the Covid-19 symptoms as described by WHO?
4 In the last 14 days, have you knowingly had any contact with anyone diagnosed with Covid-19?
5 In the last 14 days, have you knowingly visited or stayed with anyone with Covid-19?
6 In the last 14 days, have you knowingly shared a home environment with anyone with Covid-19?
7 During your time onboard, will you follow WHO guidelines, Vessel’s requirements and
local regulations to prevent the spread of Covid-19, including but not limited to hand washing, social distancing etc?
8 Have you been advised of any additional local or ship-specific PPE requirements prior to boarding?

Covid-19 Pre-Boarding Questionnaire by Operator

Here’s the Covid-19 pre-boarding health questionnaire provided by OCIMF. The Operator must fill and submit to the Inspector before he begins the vessel inspection.

No. Question/Information Yes No
1 Have the Vessel crew’s body temperatures been monitored during the last 14 days?
2 Are any crew members suffering from any of the Covid-19 symptoms as described by WHO?
3 In the last 14 days, has any crew member knowingly had any contact with anyone diagnosed with Covid-19?
4 During the inspection, will all crew follow WHO guidelines and local regulations to prevent the spread of Covid-19, including but not limited to hand washing, social distancing, etc.?
5 Have you provided the Inspector with any ship-specific PPE requirements?