Marine News, August 6, 2013: Congressmen Sam Farr and Don Young have announced September 22, 2013 to September 28, 2013 as the National Marine Technology Week. This coincides with the OCEANS 2013 event planned in San Diego.

“By designating a National Marine Technology Week, hopefully more people will become aware of how we all benefit from investments made in marine technology,” quoted Farr as saying. “The use of marine technology reduces the destruction inflicted by natural disasters, protects fragile ecosystems from environmental damage caused by pollution, and fosters a better understanding of our marine world, all while providing a needed boost to local economies,” Farr added.

The OCEANS 2013 is a conference to be held on the 50th anniversary of the Marine Technology Society. This Society is an international community comprising of ocean engineers, technologists, policymakers and other professionals that provides forums for information exchange and the sharing of ideas through its website, newsletter and events.