Machine condition monitoring has a critical role to play in identifying problems in machineries by detecting variations in sound and vibration. By identifying such problems before there is a major machine malfunction or breakdown, productivity and availability of machineries can be enhanced. The time for maintenance is determined by a change in the pattern of vibration or sound. Continuous machine condition monitoring boosts equipment efficiency and reduces maintenance downtime, which is vital for critical components. A complete database is maintained of the ship’s critical machineries. The Machine Condition Monitoring system results in significant savings, not only maintenance and downtime related, but also via energy conservation.

Salient Features of the Machine Condition Monitoring

  • Real time communication between ship and shore
  • Highly sensitive condition indicators used to identify discrepancies before they become huge problems that consume time and money
  • Boosts operational profitability by detecting problems at the right time
  • Graphical representation of data for easy viewing and greater insight