The SOxNOAnalyser is an On-Board Monitoring and Diagnostic System to monitor the detection & measurement of exhaust SOx, NO& Hydrocarbon emissions from ships to the atmosphere. Each of the machineries in the ship eventually emits gas through the funnel, where sensors are placed to measure the emissions in real time. The system captures the real time data on board and the compiled data is also transmitted on shore. The system can also correlate the emissions with the load on the machinery whose exhaust is being analysed.

The concentration of the following gases in the exhaust gas sample are analyzed in the system:

  • NOx analysis
  • HC analysis
  • CO analysis
  • CO2 analysis
  • O2 analysis
  • SO­2 analysis

Salient features of the system are:

  • Monitoring and analysis of the different  exhaust gases
  • Engine performance and ambient condition measurement
  • Constant compliance analysis of the exhaust sample with the MARPOL Annexure VI and NOx technical code 2008, 2009 edition acceptance criteria